Minecraft Fort/Castle
Mar 22, 2011PC GamingComments (14)
This build is a 2-floor structure and has a usable basement and roof. The 1st floor has red wool "carpet", while the 2nd floor contains two rooms. The basement contains a "safe room" with an obsidian chamber housing a chest that has important stuff in it. It is still under construction partially.
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Minecraft Beginner Guide With Video
Mar 15, 2011PC GamingComments (5)
Minecraft is a game about mining, building, exploring, crafting, and surviving. There is something for everyone. You can build huge structures, decorate to your heart's content, explore dark caves, mine blocks and ores to craft with, build railway systems, and much more.
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Crysis 2 Demo FOV & Motion Blur Fix
Mar 2, 2011PC Gaming
Changing the field of view (FOV) and motion blur settings should be the first things you do before playing the new Crysis 2 demo. It can literally make or break the experience. Despite Crytek leaving out any sort of advanced graphics options, it is actually quite easy to change these settings using a shortcut.
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Minecraft Castle
Jan 9, 2011PC GamingComments (2)
Built on a public server a while ago. Started to build a wall around the entire island. The castle has several buildings and rooms, and a dock out front.
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Starcraft 2 Dreamhack Tournament Videos
Dec 7, 2010PC Gaming
If you want to watch some high level Starcraft 2 matches with expert commentary, might I suggest this year's Starcraft 2 Dreamhack tournament, which took place last month on the 25th, 26th, and 27th. It was a large tournament with a huge prize pool. You can read more about it here. Day9 was shout-casting along with d.Apollo. If you have the time, I suggest watching the entire tournament start to finish. There is a lot of good gameplay with more than a few surprises.
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Starcraft 2 Replay Casts
Sep 17, 2010PC Gaming
Looking for some good Starcraft 2 casts to watch? Want to improve your gameplay by watching pro level players? Try these:
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Starcraft II Single-player Review
Aug 1, 2010PC Gaming
Starcraft II offers a very refined and lengthy campaign mode with wholly unique and fun to play missions. For those upset about only having a Terran campaign (with the Zerg and Protoss campaigns saved for future expansions), let me quell your distress by saying that the campaign mode is easily more in-depth and lengthy than all 3 campaigns from the original combined. Each and every mission feels as though it was given individual attention, and most missions will take you between 20 minutes to an hour to complete, depending on your skill level.
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Runes of Magic (RoM) Equipment Transmutation Guide
Jun 10, 2010PC Gaming
This Runes of Magic guide is designed to explain transmutation to beginners and show you how to create some basic equipment. Transmutation allows you to imbue a piece of equipment with stats and increase its tier level (each increase in tier level increases defense or damage). It is the key to creating good equipment. It's also confusing for many players, and I think that confusion stems from a lack of good documentation for it.
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Runes of Magic PvP: Surviving the Twinks
Jun 7, 2010PC Gaming
So I've been playing this free MMORPG lately called Runes of Magic (RoM). I'm going to assume you already know about it if you're reading this post. If not, it's similar to WoW and is free, so why not give it a try? As with most MMORPG's, there are PvE and PvP servers. This post is designed to give you some advice and ideas for surviving on the PvP servers, since things are a lot tougher than you may be used to on other MMORPG PvP servers.
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Just Cause 2: A PC Gamer's Guilty Pleasure
May 7, 2010PC Gaming
I am a die-hard PC gamer and love FPS and RTS games, and I am confident that those types of games are done best on PC. Naturally, I cringe at the idea of cross-platform games and ports, especially shooters of any kind. The porting process inevitably results in bugs, poor gameplay dynamics, goofy controller-centric menu systems, and poor visuals. Games that are designed for console simply don't translate well over to PC, as they were designed for the console's controller and limited console performance and resources. That being said, there is one game that I have had so much fun playing that I've managed to forget these issues, momentarily. That game is Just Cause 2.
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Far Cry 2 for PC Kind of Sucks
Oct 26, 2008PC GamingComments (2)
I bought this game on day one, based solely on pre-release media, hype, and its amazing predecessor. Unfortunately, the game feels as though it sold out to become just another buggy console port. Crytek had nothing to do with this sequel, and it shares nothing but name with its predecessor.
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