Effective Text Spacing for Web Design
Feb 2, 2012Web Development
Having effective and well thought-out text spacing in your web design can increase the readability of the text, make it easier for users to scan through it and find specific points, and improve the look and feel of the design as a whole. Despite this, many designers ignore text spacing or give it considerably less attention than the graphical elements of their design. If your website relies at all on text to convey information, you would be shooting yourself in the foot by ignoring text spacing.
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H3XED Usage Share Operating System & Browser Statistics
Dec 15, 2011Web Development
For those that might be curious, here are the percentages of both operating system and internet browser usage share among visitors of this site for all of 2011. This is based on visits (not hits).
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6 Best Practices for Web Design and Development
Dec 3, 2011Web Development
Here are six best practices that you should consider when web designing and developing. They should make your sites a little faster and a little more user friendly (or least not as annoying).
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How to Target Sections of your Site for Google Adsense
Dec 3, 2011Web Development
Section targeting is used to help make your Google Adsense ads more relevant to your content, and in turn improve your clickthrough rate (CTR). To target a section of your site, simply surround it with these HTML comments:
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Design Your Website For AdBlock
Feb 5, 2010Web Development
Ad blockers are the most popular plugins for browsers these days. They come with comprehensive blacklists that will block most ads on the Internet right from the get-go. As a web developer, you can't prevent people from using an ad blocker, and it's probably a horrible idea to block access to your content if they do use an ad blocker. One thing you should do is make sure your site doesn't break or look ugly.
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