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How To Remove The PayPal Homepage Full-Page Video
Jul 28, 2014Web and InternetComments (6)
The full-page video displayed on PayPal's homepage can slow down computers and be distracting if you're just there to log in. You can disable it easily using any popular ad blocking extension for Chrome or Firefox (µBlock, AdBlock Plus, etc). Just add these filters to your custom filter list:*/mktg/wright/

This prevents the site from loading any of the source video files, which will significantly improve the responsiveness of the PayPal homepage.

Here is the home-page normally:
PayPal Full-Page Video

And after blocking the video:
PayPal Full-Page Video Blocked
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Alan Jones   Mar 26, 2015
Nick Vogt You're probably right and that may work - The video thing definitely did just hide it as it crashed shortly after. I've since disabled flash, no crash since. I've also ammended the blocked url to all countries so fingers crossed I'll not see any more blue screens. Haven't seen a blue screen in years, then since monday every visit to paypal almost has caused one!
Nick Vogt   Mar 26, 2015
Since you are accessing the UK site, you'll want to block this URL: With "" you're actually just hiding the video, and it may still load in the background. You can also use this URL to block all country marketing videos:*/mktg/wright/ Actually I think I'm going to update the post to have just that last filter, since it should match all countries (and not just specific markets).
Alan Jones   Mar 26, 2015
Didn't work - fortunately this time it only caused a minor crash which recovered OK rather than blue screen and system reboot, so I can actually add the right code to adblock. Set to block the video tag on the page and it now works. In the adblock filter list add: This worked for me on the UK version of the site, I now see the black screen as indicated in the screenshot in the post.
Alan Jones   Mar 26, 2015
Adding to adblock and hoping for the best...that video causes my graphics driver to crash so I need rid of it ASAP!
Nick Vogt   Jan 22, 2015
I wonder if other country PayPal sites don't use the "wright" in the URL path. I'll add a note to try it if that doesn't work.
Jeff Artik   Jan 22, 2015
Didn'twork for me. But in my custom filters, I added :* This worked. Thanks for the main tip Nick. What a nightmare this video!