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ActionScript 3 Object Pool Tutorial
Jul 17, 2012ProgrammingComments (0)
ActionScript 3If you're unfamiliar with object pooling, it is a way to speed up processing time by keeping objects in memory and reusing them, instead of always instantiating new ones and garbage collecting them.

This example uses package and custom class syntax. If you are unfamiliar with these, see my introduction to package and classes post.

Below is an example ParticleHandler class. This class would handle the particles in a game, moving them, and removing them when they're used up. It also has a public create method, which allows any class to instruct this class to create new particles. The pool starts out empty and is filled up as needed.

The example is commented so that you should be able to understand it. The main Array is "particleList" that contains the currently active particles, and the pool is "particlePool" that contains currently unused particles waiting to be used. In my games I use typed Vectors and a custom class for the Particles to speed things up, but in this example it is easiest to just use basic Arrays and Objects for demonstration.

public class ParticleHandler
private var i:int; // Used in below loop
private var particle:Object; // Reference used below

// Keep track of count since it's faster than accessing length property
private var listCount:int = 0;
private var poolCount:int = 0;

private var particleList:Array = new Array();
private var particlePool:Array = new Array();

// Your enter frame event handler - probably driven by the EnterFrame Event
// This performs the particle logic, such as moving them around, decrementing life, etc
public function frameHandler():void
// Step backwards through list in case we remove during loop
for(i = listCount - 1; i >= 0; i --)
// Assign reference to current particle for ease of access
particle = particleList[i];

// Particle logic
particle.x+= particle.vX;
particle.y+= particle.vY; --;

// When particle is used up, remove from list and put in pool
if( <= 0)
// Remove from list
particleList.splice(i, 1);
listCount --;

// Add to pool (inserting using the count is faster than using push method)
particlePool[poolCount] = particle;
poolCount ++;

// Create particle
public function create(X:Number, Y:Number, Life:int = 100):void
// Pull from pool if available
if(poolCount > 0)
// pop removes last entry and returns it - fastest way to remove from an array
particle = particlePool.pop();
poolCount --;

// Otherwise create a new one
particle = new Object();

// Assign attributes to the particle
particle.x = X;
particle.y = Y;
particle.vX = Math.random() - 0.5; // Random movement just for example
particle.vY = Math.random() - 0.5; = Life;

// Insert into main list array
particleList[listCount] = particle;
listCount ++;
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